He discusses how Enchanting ties into his postulations and answers a few of your questions on the topic. Madam Firilanya, who you might already know, will be here next week. Send your questions about the clothier profession, dyes, or any Elder Scrolls lore topic to. From: EdenEnde #002 Enchant a helmet, ring, gloves and necklace with Fortify Alchemy. Make a Fortify Enchanting potion. (Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, and/or Spriggan Sap) Drink the potion right before you enchant another set of armor with Fortify Alchemy. Repeat until you get a set of armor with +29% Alchemy.
This guide tells you how you can quickly, simple and fairly cheap powerlevel your enchanting to max level.
Leveling Enchanting
You level your enchanting by deconstructing glyphs, there are 2 ways you can do this:
- Find glyphs in the open world (PvE, Questing etc., and deconstruct these
- Have someone who crafts the glyphs for you so you can deconstruct them
The first method will take significantly longer, but has the advantage you don’t need anyone/don’t pay anyone
Elder Scrolls Lore Names
The second method, you need someone to make you Purple CP 160 Glyphs, overal the cold cost for enough glyphs to get to max level wil be around 20K (can variate a little bit on each system/server)
The combination they can do for example for the purple cp160 Glyphs is: Rekuta X Dekeipa x Itade
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Tips and Tricks
- Don’t overpay, there are many people who overcharge newcomers to the game, ask in your guild, check prices and ask for advice, giving 5K to the crafter is more then enough for the crafting part
- Very important: If you have CP, there is a CP passive that will increase your ”inspiration gain by 20%” this means that you can level your crafting 20% faster! Unlock this passive by spending 30 CP in ”The Tower” Mundus (green)
- A very useful Addon is Lazy Writ crafter, highly recommend installing this especially when power leveling, it helps out greatly.
That should be all to it! its really easy to powerlevel your enchanting! If you looking to level any other crafts, such as Blacksmithing/clothing/woodworking/Alchemy etc, Click HERE